In memory of IFATSEA President and our dearest friend, Thorsten Wehe

It is with great sadness and sorrow we heard that our President Thorsten Wehe, our dear friend has passed away on the 11th of February. He was at the age of 55 years old.
He was fighting against the disease, with courage and dignity for some time. Indeed, he stood strong in his post during our online General Assembly in 2021, only a couple of months ago.
He will always be remembered in the IFATSEA family, in the ATSEP but also in the global aviation communities, for his contribution and achievements with the most recent example that of the inclusion of IFATSEA in the ICAO ANC.
He started his professional carrier employed by the German ANSP (DFS – Deutsche Flugsicherung as an ATSEP, a system engineer (specialisation in voice communication systems) at the ACC centre of Bremen).
Soon after that he got actively involved the social and trade union issues as member of GDF (Gewerkschaft der Flugsicherung – German Air Navigation Trade Union.
He started his carrier in the Ex. Board of IFATSEA in 2009 as the Director of European region until 2014 when he was elected as Ex. Secretary of IFATSEA. In 2018 he was elected as President of IFATSEA, post that he served very successfully until his recent passing.
He left us quite some heavy legacy with his activities in all the global fora to promote aviation safety and achieve a worldwide Licensing system for Air Traffic Safety Electronics Personnel, as well the inclusion of ATSEP profession in ICAO Annex 1.
He has developed a fruitful and constructive cooperation with all international Aviation organisations ICAO, IFALPA, IFATCA, ITF, ILO CANSO as well as the European organizations like EC, EASA, SESAR, Eurocontrol, ATCEUC, ETF and others promoting the norms and values of ATSEP.
He will be missed by all of us.
We would like once more to extend our sympathies and condolences to his family and loved ones.