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The Industry Consultation Body (ICB) was established under Article 6 of Regulation 549/2004, the SES Framework Regulation, with the strong support of all industry stakeholders.and provides technical advice to the European Commission on the implementation. It is an important mechanism for the definition of the future ATM strategy and its implementation. It is an opportunity for all parts of industry to tell the European Commission what they expect from the Single European Sky and to give their views on options and timetables.

The Commission intends to use the advice of the ICB to steer not only the legislative initiatives, but also the standardization, research and infrastructure investments of the Commission.

Please find on the ICB portal the ICB long term vision and other publication (e.g. ATM information Digest, ICB positions).

IFATSEA representative in ICB are Costas Christoforou,  Robert Schneeubauer and Carlos Viegas.