From 1995 the Eurogroup worked extensivly with Eurocontrol to developed the ATSEP training manuals.
The main Eurogroup task is to follow up the variuos SES legislation coming from the commision. IFATSEA Eurogroup is participating to the EASA rulemaking activities related to ATSEPs and their competency.
IFATSEA Eurogroup contributes to the work of the SESAR Joint Undertaking (SJU), defining the future technology platform for the Single European Sky, but also participate in the Industrial Consultation Body (ICB) and is engaged in several high level administrative boards (Eurocontrol – AAB, FAB’s, EC- Social Expert group for Professionals).
The Eurogroup maintains working relationships with the ATM staff trade union organizations European Transport Workers’ Federation (ETF) and ATCEUC.
Furtehr we collaborates with the European federations for other Aviation Professional Staff – ECA, IFALPA, IFATCA and IFAIMA.
Currently the Eurogroup has created 7 workgroups on
- Fatigue Management – David Navaro
- Regulation 373/2017 – Kostas Simaiakis
- ATM master plan – Andreas Meyer
- Cybersecurity – Carlos Viegas
- Introduction of AI – Carlos Viegas
- ADSPs (ATM Data centres) – Robert Schneebauer
- Best practices for ATSEP – Jurgen De Clercq